Code of Industry Principles
Observe High Standards
- We are committed to advertising a diversity of products and services.
- We support advertising that is free of statements, illustrations, or implications which are offensive to good taste or public decency, or otherwise incompatible with individual community standards.
- We are committed to a program which prohibits advertising products illegal for sale to minors that are intended to be read from, or within 500 feet of, established places of worship, public playgrounds, or primary and secondary schools.

We Respect the Environment
- We support billboards as a business use to be erected only in commercial and industrial areas.
- We support the exclusion of new billboards in areas of genuine scenic beauty outside of commercial and industrial areas.

Create a Working Relationship with Local Communities
- We support the right to maintain lawfully erected billboards.
- We support the removal, without compensation, of illegally erected billboards and other signs.
- We support those laws, which assure just compensation for the removal of legal conforming and nonconforming billboards.

Provide an Effective, Attractive Product
- We are committed to maintaining and improving the quality and appearance of billboard structures and locations.
- We are committed to the use of new technologies to improve our ability to inform the traveling public.
- We are committed to ensuring that the commercial and noncommercial messages disseminated on standard-size digital billboards will be static messages and the content shall not include animated, flashing, scrolling, intermittent or full-motion video elements (outside established entertainment areas).
- We are committed to ensuring that the ambient light conditions associated with standard-size digital billboards are monitored by a light-sensing device at all times and that display brightness will be appropriately adjusted as ambient light levels change.

Support Worthy Public Causes
- We are committed to providing public service messages to promote worthy statewide and community causes.
- We are committed to the use of billboards for political, editorial, and other noncommercial messages.
Helpful FDOT Links
- FDOT Notices of Rules/Workshops
- FDOT Office of Right-of-Way
- FDOT Highway Beautification Programs Project Management Office
State Laws
Chapter 479, F.S.
Chapter 70.20, F.S.
Florida Administrative Code
Chapter 14-10, F.A.C.
Chapter 14-40, F.A.C.
Helpful Links
- Florida Department of Transportation - Office of Right of Way
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
- Federal Highway Administration - Florida Division Office
- National Alliance of Highway Beautification Agencies (NAHBA)
- Online Sunshine - Official Site of the Florida Legislature
- Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA)
- Outdoor Advertising Association of Georgia
- Geopath Audience Location Measurement